Kemper Amps

Kemper Amps

Kemper Profiling Amps recreate the exact sound of any amp once it has been profiled. When you profile an amp, you capture a print of its sonic frequency response and the Kemper Profiling Amp allows you to recreate this sound as you play through it.

It’s an incredibly complex piece of technology that has blown the guitar world apart and has become a staple for studios, bedrooms and more importantly, big stages around the world.

Not only does the Kemper Profiling Amp recreate phenomenal amp sounds, but it also has a plethora of effects on-board including delays, reverbs, drives and modulations to make it the most versatile piece of guitar equipment on the planet. And most importantly, thanks to its powerful processors, it all sounds good.

History of Kemper

The company that creates the Kemper Profiling Amp is the same company that is behind the Access Virus hardware synth which has cult status among synth fans thanks to its detailed effects and sounds that its capable of producing.

Though the profiling amp hasn’t been around for a long time, it has firmly claimed its place in guitar history by making it possible for users to have access to famous amplifiers at the flick of a switch.

The Kemper Range

There aren’t many variations of the Kemper Profiling Amp that you need to worry about. In fact, you can only really choose between having a non-power amp version or one with a power amp on-board. You can also get a version of the Kemper with the footswitch which allows you to change between patches and turn effects on and off with your feet.

They have also got a rack version and standard amp head style Kemper Profiling Amp available in either the power amp or non-powered version. The power amp Kemper allows you to plug directly into a passive guitar cab and disable the cab emulation so that you’re getting the same response as if you were just using the Kemper as an amp head. If you want this effect with the standard Kemper Profiler, you’ll need to use an external power amp. If you'd like to know which Kemper would work best for you, check out our Kemper Amp Guide - in the meantime, check out the range below!